I was in two minds whether I should or shouldn't do this tag by Marzie... It's a rather personal tag and I don't normally divulge personal things but I guess I can make an exception. I bought this brand-less handbag a few months back at Sunway Pyramid for only RM35.00. Cheap kan :D I was attracted to its neutral color and minimalistic style, the price was also a contributing factor of course. I'm so not into bling-bling shiny stuff...
Before this, I had a beige colored handbag which I bought from the pasar (market)... it only cost RM15.00. It's still in good condition, but I got bored using it. The most expensive handbag I ever bought was from Jusco, not really a designer bag but it was made from genuine leather. It got spoiled because I accidentally spilled orange juice on it... tried to salvage it by drying it under the sun but somehow it didn't look as good as before :(
So, here's what you need to do :~
Find a safe quiet place free of significant other, nosey meme makers, priests, nuns, all things religious and men in general.
- Dump the contents of your handbag in a pile. (I arranged mine)
- Take a photo of your handbag and the contents.
- Be brave and explain to your fellow bloggers what lurks inside the handbag.
- Tag others who might want to embarrass themselves.
- Answer these questions :~

- Pierre Cardin wallet, hand-me-down from my youngest sister.
- Alcatel handphone (really old dinosaur HP... the screen is blue, no camera, lousy ringtones and I can't even send/receive MMS!)
- A bottle of NeoMercazole pills (for my Hyperthyroidism)
- Spectacles case
- A coin pouch
- Bank books
- Some stamps
- A lipstick, lip gloss and lip liner
- 2-Way foundation case
- Carrefour Make up wipes
- Used angpow packets
- Some sweets
- A mini sewing kit (for emergency when your pants/skirt accidentally terkoyak)
- A pen and Sharpie permanent marker
- 2 pairs of earrings
My wallet containing ATM cards, Debit card, KFC card, Hinode shop card, Mydin Card, IKEA card, IC, my son's IC, driving licence, son's OKU card
What's the most embarrassing thing in your handbag?
Urmmm... a panty liner but I chose not to show it :)
What's the smallest thing in your handbag?
My earrings
Is there anything illegal in your handbag?
Absolutely none. I'm a law abiding citizen :D
I want to see your handbags! So, I'm tagging these lovely ladies :~
nessa!!! i love yr handbag! it's exactly the style & color that i would buy! :)
ReplyDeleteoh, i have the wet tissue too, it's frm watson! hmm.. im wondering why are you keeping angpow in yr handbag at this period of time? hehe
yay!! im the first commenter!! how cool!! :)
ReplyDeleteHi Nessa, love that handbag....love your sense of humour too.
ReplyDeleteTo me, a woman's handbag is worst than locating a needle in a haystack.
Long time ago my wife forgot someting asked to get it from her handbag...I couldn't find it, so overturned whole bag on the bed.
She never spoke to me three days! And magee mee and sardines no joke three days! Ha ha.
BUT? She has never asked me again. Ha ha. Lee.
So that's what you have hiding in your handbag, huh? And canggih nyer your hand phone la ... hehehe ... time to get a new one soon :D
ReplyDeleteAnd I like that mini sewing kit idea, it'll definitely come in handy for emergency situations. I remember once I terkoyak my pants and had to walk around one kind the whole day ... LOL!
Jean ~ You do??! We have similar taste then :D
ReplyDeleteActually those are my sons' angpows... they're empty but I like to keep them in my bag, for emergency... like weddings, birthdays etc.
Jean ~ Yay!!! Congrats :D Sori, I takde hadiah la macam Emila...
ReplyDeleteI'm hooked la commenting in her blog! I'm already in 5th place (I think). Nak kejar you but you're so far ahead... hehe
U. Lee ~ You can't separate women from their bags :)
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm sure you've learned your lesson... maggi mee and sardines not bad what. Better than boiled eggs, I think! LOL
Mat Dingo ~ Memang canggih! So canggih I think I can even display it at the museum! Haha
ReplyDeleteIt happened to me so many times. I even helped sew my office mate's butang baju. Very useful dat mini sewing kit :)
Alamak!! hahahaaa even my hubby is restricted from checking my handbag..ada hari tu dia mau p buka..habis kena teriak!!! hahahaha well even my purse pun sia nda kasi benar dia buka..akakakaa!! what a bad wife..
ReplyDeletebah nanti sia buat this tag ya..interesting betul nie..hehee
sia secretly wish my name is in the list of people u will tag...and memang betul adaaaaaaaaaa....sia suka ni oh.haha
ReplyDeleteuii..ada sewing kit lagi dlm handbag...itu barulah.
HEHEH i'm also in ka..ehhe
ReplyDeleteKadus Mama ~ Nah, habis la secret bila ko suda buat this tag... hehe
ReplyDeleteHari tu ko buat tu handbag quiz, ko 'high maintenance'... nah, sia inda sabar dii mo tingu ko punya handbag! :D
Carol ~ Hehe... sia tau ko misti suka dis tag :D
ReplyDeleteThe mini sewing kit is like a survival kit ba!
Sweet Girlicious ~ Ya, you're IN. Sia pun mo tingu ko punya handbag :D
ReplyDeleteOh, now I dapat tau sikit2 about your personality... aisey! :D Sedang sya baca2 ni kan, Nessa, trus sya ingat2 apa dalam handbag sya dan ter 'panic' sekijap hahaha... Kalo traveling, sya pun suka bawa tu mini sewing kit hihi... Nanti sya buat ini tag sama tag yang dulu2 ah. Thanks! :)
ReplyDeleteWah, very nice la your bag's content!
ReplyDeleteCrystal ~ Jan panik. Kalau too personal tu, kasi tapuk seja gia di belakang handbag... hehe
ReplyDeleteTu mini sewing kit is a must kalau traveling kan :)
Emila ~ Thank you dear :D I'm embarrassed with my HP actually... reali old. Nak beli baru, sayang pulak cos it's still working fine.
ReplyDeleteHewwwo Nessa :P Wowiiee this is an interesting tag. TQ for counting me IN hehehhe... Adoiii my bag oso full of junks tu... nasib i just changed handbag this month cos the good-ol' one (sia sayang actually) mo koyak-rabak sudah bah.
ReplyDeleteIni mau cari private space before I can take pic for this tag. So just wait for it ya hahhar!
(Enjoyed reading and grinning at the stuff in urs, and love ur bag!)
Yahoo!! I get to see what's inside Nessa's bag, hey I like ur bagasi la! I love earthy tones too! ;)
ReplyDeleteWah got lip liner and foundation some more, the 2 items I don't use he he, lazy mah...plus I dunno how to use foundation! Compact powder only for me. ;)
Ohhhhh now I see ur HP!! You mean hubby still haven't gotten u a new one tsk tsk tsk...faster get a new one for Christmas. Tak best la cannot MMS! ;)
Nessa, pls vote for me if you get the chance to drop by Mariuca! Apparently I'm in the running to win some award he he! :):):)
ReplyDeleteSo creative la the sewing kit Nessa.
ReplyDeletehehehe!sounds interesting.Your bag is cool.Do you really need to bring your bank book all the time?:P
ReplyDeleteFlodawn ~ Bah, sia tia sabar lagi mo tingu ko punya handbag ni :)
ReplyDeleteTia pa ba kuyak-rabak, ko blum tingu lagi baju feveret sia, lusuh gila oh tapi very comfy... hehe
Marzie ~ My face very the oily la, kalau tak pakai foundation, mak datuk, kilatnya!! But it's actually a 2-Way cake.
ReplyDeleteTakpe la no MMS, save money... hehehe
Gina ~ Oh, I didn't make dat one. It came like dat. Very mini sewing kit and very handy :D
ReplyDeleteMarzie ~ Don wori, I've already voted for you. Hope you win, good luck ya :D
ReplyDeleteSweetiepie ~ Yes, I bring my bank books with me all the time.
ReplyDeleteYou can't trust the ATM's here, they're always out of order when you least expect them :( So, I save myself from going home and taking my bank book just to withdraw $$ at the counter.