Bottom 3 : Rizu, Simon & Aweera
No guest judge tonight.
The judges announced that they will no longer give the Immunity Award to the Best Performer. It's finally back to the fans' votes and a level playing field to all the contestants.
Tomok ~ Umbrella (Rihanna) Watch the video here.
* Tomok is pitchy tonight, maybe he was somewhat affected by Rizu's sudden departure. Being the 1st to perform right after an emotional moment is not good.
* Needs to practice more on his diction but overall it was decent
* Fast tempo, kinda like how he made the changes to 'Ella, ella... eh, eh, eh'
* That mike flip was awesome! How the heck did he do that??! Check out the video at 1:25s
* Not his best performance but I still loved it
Amylea ~ Somewhere Only We Know (Keane)
* Very confident and entertaining
* Loved the changes she made to the song
* Amylea deserves to be in the finale
Esther ~ Sweet About Me (Gabriella Cilmi) ?? Unsure of spelling
* I'm not familiar with the song
* Entertaining (cabaret/theatrical like performance)
* Are there many Soul music fans in Malaysia?
Nine ~ Cinta Gila (Grey Sky Morning)
* I'm not familiar with the song but I liked it
* Entertaining (except the guitar part)
* Confident
* Nine is growing on me
* Nine's progress is very slow compared to Tomok, Amylea and Esther.
Aweera ~ Awie
* Sounds very similar to the original singer
* Stuck in the 80's
* Needs to sing current songs and make it his own
Simon ~ Living On A Prayer (Jon Bon Jovi)
* Mellow
* Lacks power and edginess needed for the song
* No originality (sounds the same as the original song)
* Simon doesn't seem to have emotions when he sings
If the Immunity Award was still given out, I would have given it to Amylea. She really stood out last night. I hope her fans vote for her all the way to the finale.
Related OIAM3 post :
One In A Million (OIAM) Season 3 ~ Top 5
I have to agree with you. HOW IN THE WORLD HE MANAGED TO FLIP THE MIKE???? I was like AAAAA????
ReplyDeleteI'm in total agreement with you and anonymous! Just how in heavens name did he flip that microphone? My jaw was open wide............ and I'm rooting for him to make the finals.....:D
ReplyDeletesad to c Rizu out cos am expecting Simon to be out. But based on this week performance, I think Simon or Aweera should be out next week - no sign of imnprovement compared to the rest. Tomok and Amylea performance is very outstanding.
ReplyDeleteI was right when Rizu was voted out that night. It's hard to tell now who's going to be eliminated, but based on past perfomances either Simon or Aweera la kali... but who knows apa dorang buat next week kan, manatau tiba2 'malatop' hahaha!!! Amylea is fine, very consistent macam dalam AF juga dulu, tapi ONE in a million, hmmm... either Esther or Tomok (???)
ReplyDeleteAnon ~ Hi there! :)
ReplyDeleteYeah, my thots exactly. I kept watching that flip over and over again and I still can't believe what I saw...
MD ~ He must have practiced that flip a gadzillion times. Imagine if he had dropped the mike... He sure had the utmost confidence to execute it and I'm amazed.
ReplyDeleteHe's definitely in the finals oredi! :D
Anon ~ Rizu was leading with the votes earlier... the fans probably thought he was safe. My favorite performance from Rizu has to be 'Sandaran Hati'.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I hope the next one out would be Aweera or Simon.
Crystal ~ Sia betul2 inda expect Rizu to be eliminated, sia sangka si Simon. 3 orang seja yang paling kosistent dlm persembahan diorang kan. I wish they have final 3 instead of 2 but what to do...
ReplyDeleteNessa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I rushed over as soon as I found out u are now on EC!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG finally Nessa ha hahah ahahaha!!! Terus drop here today YAY!!!
ReplyDeleteTapi u join wrong timing la, now when EC is all in chaos thanks to the new paid ads system!!! I oso confuse now, to approve or not to approve! :(
ReplyDeleteI've been waiting for this OIAM post Nessa! Tak puas hati my Rizu keluar ni!!! :(:(:(
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah he sang my fave Maroon 5 song Nessa and it was his best performance kan? :):):)
ReplyDeleteI blame it on Paul too cause he's always putting down Rizu and praising Simon, should be the other way around! :(:(:(
ReplyDeleteMy fave last week of coz Amylea, Esther and Tomok. Simon irritated me as usual. ;)
ReplyDeleteAlso a little upset Zizie got eliminated, she performed very well last concert! Akim's new haircut is so much better lol! ;)
ReplyDeleteMarzie ~ Marzieeeeee!!!! Wah, cepatnya you datang... hehehe
ReplyDeleteJust joined today, still learning... don know my way yet but I know I can count on you ya :D
nessa!!! i dropped on ya!!!
ReplyDeleteEmila ~ Emilaaaaaa!!!! Yay... you are here too, thanks for dropping! LOL!
ReplyDeleteThis is still new to me so I'm pretty excited still. Dah 11pm and I'm still up dropping my cards!!! Hahaha
Marzie ~ Yeah, finally! Can't beat 'em, join 'em je la... today in history! ;)
ReplyDeleteI didn't expect Rizu to be out. I thot Simon will b the one eliminated.
ReplyDeleteLet's keep our finger cross on who will be eliminated this Friday nite. ;)
Mama Mia ~ Sama la kita, sia pun ingat si Simon akan keluar... itulah orang slalu undi yang paling last, sbb mo kasi save.
ReplyDeleteJangan seja Tomok, Amylea atau Esther yang terkeluar!
Marzie ~ I oso tak puas hati Rizu out but what to do, I tak vote pun.. hehehe
ReplyDeleteYeah, his best performance but I liked the Malay song he sang a few weeks back. It's called 'Sandaran Hati'.
That mike flip still has me captivated with awe la! LOL!
ReplyDeleteI agree with everyone, Rizu should have stayed and Simon should have gone, maybe even Aweera ... we'll see what happens this week :D
Steady TOMOK! LOL!
Spiff ~ You're an avid fan of Tomok, aren't you Spaceman?? :D Well, he deserves the recognition and adoration; he has been consistent and entertaining. Yeah, I'm awed with the mike flip too...
ReplyDeleteMarzie ~ I think something fishy is goin' on with Paul and Simon... LOL!
ReplyDeleteAmylea and Tomok are my faves currently. Last week Simon has mood swings la.
As for AF7, I'm just a spectator. No more a fan la :*( Sad cos it used to be my #1 reality show.
I wasn't even sad with the elimination of Zizie and Rubisa. Tak rasa apa2 langsung...
Saper menang pon I tak kisah oredi... walaupon Sidi or Qhaud or even Akim!
Hi, nessa - finally SIMON is out. Guess next shall be Aweera or Nine. Still feels that Tomok performance is better from the rest ..................
ReplyDeleteAnonymous ~ Hi! :D Give yourself a name ya, macam tak best call you anon la... hehe.
ReplyDeleteJust click the name (under choose identity), you can opt not to key in your blog URL.
Yup, finally Simon got the boot! Didn't expect Esther to be in the bottom 3 tonight.
Tomok as Paul said was one level/step ahead of the others :D